Mental work

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1083字       Views:17

Take the time, have the courage, to explore your own thoughts. Within those thoughts you can find great treasure. 花点时间,鼓起勇气,探索你自己的想法。在这些想法中,你可以找到巨大的宝藏。

Every thought you think is informed by the totality of your knowledge and experience. Give those thoughts the time, space, and focus to interact with each other. 你思考的每一个想法都受到你知识和经验的整体影响。给这些想法时间、空间和重点,让他们彼此互动。

No, you don’t want to spend all your time wandering through your own thoughts. However, a regular, reasonable period of uninterrupted thinking is well worth the investment. 不,您不想把所有时间都花在自己的想法上。然而,有规律、合理的不间断思考是非常值得投资的。

It’s quite amazing that you have quick and easy access to the expressed thoughts of so many other people. And yet for all that insight to have value in your own life, you must do the mental work to integrate it well. 令人惊讶的是,您可以快速轻松地访问这么多人表达的想法。然而,要使所有这些洞察力在你自己的生活中有价值,你必须做心理工作来很好地整合它。

Think, listen to your thoughts, make a record of them, review them, challenge them, refine them. Among your many advisors, make sure one of them is you. 思考,倾听你的想法,记录它们,回顾它们,挑战它们,完善它们。在您的众多顾问中,请确保其中一位是您。

Your life can always benefit from some serious, prolonged, and introspective thought. Offer yourself that benefit often. 你的生活总是可以从一些严肃、持久和内省的思考中受益。经常为自己提供这种好处。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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