Rewarding life

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1146字       Views:14

The reward is not in the prize. The reward is in the effort. 奖励不在奖品中。回报在于努力。

The prize is a mere token. And when it is not earned, it is an empty, meaningless, worthless token, no matter how much glitter it may possess. 奖品只是一个象征。当它没有被赚取时,它是一个空洞、毫无意义、毫无价值的代币,无论它可能拥有多少闪光。

The prospect of pleasure exerts a powerful pull. Yet as desirable as it may be, pleasure does not, will not, cannot sustain you. 快乐的前景具有强大的吸引力。然而,尽管快乐可能是令人向往的,但它不会、不会、也不能维持你。

Every day brings you the opportunity to insert some sort of value in the world where it never existed before. As you already know from experience, a rewarding life comes from capitalizing on such opportunities. 每一天都给你带来机会,在以前从未存在过的世界中插入某种价值。正如您从经验中已经知道的那样,利用这些机会,有意义的生活来自于此。

Which would you prefer, to have everything and to have done nothing, or to have nothing and to have done everything? Life is in the living, in the participation, in the dynamic attaining rather than in the cold, static trophy. 你更喜欢哪一个,拥有一切却什么都不做,还是什么都没有却什么都做?生命在于活着,在于参与,在于动态的成就,而不是在冰冷、静止的奖杯中。

Here right now is your chance to do that living, to take on the challenges, to make a difference that comes from deep within. Feel your unique potential as it beckons you to an increasingly rewarding life, and answer the call. 现在是你过这种生活的机会,接受挑战,做出来自内心深处的改变。感受您独特的潜力,因为它向您招手,让您过上越来越有价值的生活,并响应召唤。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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