Love of living

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共789字       Views:24

Live for the love of living. Love for the joy of loving. 为热爱生活而活。爱是为了爱的喜悦。

Listen, watch, taste, feel, and know you’re a crucial part of all you experience. Give because giving is who you are and what you do. 聆听、观看、品尝、感受,并知道您是您所有体验的重要组成部分。给予,因为给予就是你是谁,你做什么。

Dance to the music of the wind that flows through all existence. See that reality itself is the ultimate magic. 随着流经万物的风的音乐跳舞。看到现实本身就是终极魔法。

Harvest golden sunlight, plunge into the deep blue ocean. Soar above the misty morning on sturdy wings of thankfulness. 收获金色的阳光,跳入深蓝色的海洋。在薄雾弥漫的早晨翱翔,踏上坚实的感恩之翼。

Embrace the contradictions, explore the mysteries. Treasure the countless factors that enrich your existence. 拥抱矛盾,探索奥秘。珍惜丰富您存在的无数因素。

Look in every direction with eyes full of love, appreciation, and thirst for new adventure. Share, expand, and improve upon the best you’re able to see. 用充满爱、欣赏和对新冒险的渴望的眼睛看向每一个方向。分享、扩展和改进您能看到的最好的内容。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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