Go out and do

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1052字       Views:14

Life’s energy does not come from talking, wishing, speculating about life’s energy. Life gains its energy from action. 生命的能量不是来自谈论、许愿、猜测生命的能量。生命从行动中获得能量。

Get up, get active, go out and do. If your muscles do not ache at the end of the day, you have neglected many opportunities for richness. 起床,活跃起来,出去做事。如果你的肌肉在一天结束时没有疼痛,那你就错过了许多丰富的机会。

Connect with the reality of hot and cold, of soft and hard, of distance, depth, and steepness. Challenge yourself to navigate through the rugged terrain of what is true and solid, nourishing and fulfilling. 与热与冷、软与硬、距离、深度和陡峭的现实相连接。挑战自己,在崎岖的地形中航行,什么是真实和坚实的,滋养和充实的。

You are capable of so much more than merely absorbing comfort and pleasant entertainment. Choose to be an active participant in the wonder of existence. 您不仅可以享受舒适和愉快的娱乐,还可以做更多的事情。选择成为存在奇迹的积极参与者。

Feel your strength increasing as you negotiate the difficult trade-offs. Act to create rich experiences that add lasting value to your life. 在你协商艰难的权衡时,感觉到你的力量在增加。采取行动创造丰富的体验,为您的生活增添持久的价值。

Honor and fulfill the potential that’s been coming your way since before you were born. Go out and do all the good you can do in this real and beautiful world. 尊重并实现自出生前就一直出现在您面前的潜力。走出去,在这个真实而美丽的世界中做你能做的所有好事。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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