Ready to go

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1239字       Views:19

Rather than sitting around waiting for inspiration to strike, get yourself going and let inspiration find you already in action. Instead of killing time until you feel ready, simply declare that you are ready. 与其坐在那里等待灵感来袭,不如让自己动起来,让灵感发现您已经在行动。与其在你觉得准备好之前消磨时间,不如简单地宣布你已经准备好了。

After all, your willingness to get started is mostly in your mind. And you can change your mind as quickly as you wish, anytime you wish. 毕竟,你开始的意愿主要在你的脑海中。您可以随时随地快速改变主意。

Remind yourself that you are ready and willing, right now, here in this place, with everything just the way it is. You are eager to make good things happen, so go ahead and act on that eagerness. 提醒自己,你已经准备好并愿意,现在,在这个地方,一切都保持原样。你渴望让好事发生,所以请继续按照这种渴望采取行动。

Right ahead in your foreseeable future is the satisfaction of solving a difficult problem, or creating something new and valuable. And here you are, ready and willing to go. 在你可预见的未来,你即将解决一个难题,或者创造一些新的和有价值的东西。而你在这里,准备好了,愿意出发。

Today promises to be a truly outstanding day because you are committed to make it so. The future looks bright because you are all set to do whatever it takes to make that future shine. 今天注定会是真正出色的一天,因为您致力于实现这一目标。未来看起来一片光明,因为您已准备好不惜一切代价让未来绽放光彩。

All because you’ve chosen to be, you are as ready for action as anyone can possibly be. Take a deep breath, fill your awareness with the possibilities, and go make great things happen, now. 这一切都是因为您选择了成为,您和任何人一样准备好采取行动。深呼吸,让你的意识充满可能性,现在就去让伟大的事情发生。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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