A better there

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共873字       Views:19

There are probably good options you have not considered. Look for them, work to bring them to the surface of your awareness. 可能有一些您没有考虑过的好选择。寻找它们,努力将它们带到你的意识表面。

The easiest, most obvious paths are blocked. With some time, effort, honesty and creativity, you can discover others. 最简单、最明显的路径被阻止。通过一些时间、努力、诚实和创造力,您可以发现其他人。

When you find yourself in a difficult situation, remember this. Plenty of people from circumstances far more challenging have gone on to achieve great things. 当您发现自己处于困境时,请记住这一点。许多来自更具挑战性的环境的人继续取得了伟大的成就。

Life can be hard to handle. Yet you have what it takes to live your life well. 生活可能很难处理。然而,您拥有过上美好生活所需的一切。

Realize you are in a sacred place that’s filled with pure potential. Honor and fulfill that potential by making the commitment to do so, and by following through. 意识到你身处一个充满纯粹潜力的神圣之地。通过做出承诺并贯彻到底来尊重和发挥这种潜力。

From here to a better there involves much work. Fortunately you’re good at it, and it’s the best thing you can do. 从这里到更好,需要做很多工作。幸运的是,你很擅长,这是你能做的最好的事情。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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