Questions to contemplate

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共865字       Views:18

What can you do right now that you’ll be thankful for tomorrow? That’s a great way to spend your time. 你现在能做些什么来让你对明天心存感激?这是消磨时间的好方法。

What thoughts can you bring to the top of your awareness that will inspire and energize you? Those can be valuable thoughts to consider. 你能把哪些想法带到你的意识顶端,以激励和激励你?这些都是值得考虑的宝贵想法。

How can you act with others that will leave them eager to be with you again? A positive experience is always a good thing to create. 你如何与他人合作,让他们渴望再次与你在一起?积极的体验总是一件好事。

What potential are you carrying around that’s never been fully explored? This could be the ideal time to bring it forth. 您身上有什么从未被充分开发过的潜力?这可能是提出它的理想时机。

What is your most painful regret, and how can you make sure you don’t add any more to it? Now is the chance to make your future more satisfying. 你最痛苦的遗憾是什么,你如何确保你不再增加任何遗憾呢?现在是让您的未来更加令人满意的机会。

What in your world, in this life matter most to you? Take this and every opportunity to give time, energy and effort to them. 在你的世界里,今生,什么对你来说最重要?抓住这个机会和每一个机会,给他们时间、精力和精力。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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