
Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1145字       Views:17

You cannot always control the circumstances and events that surround you. Yet what you can always do is choose to meet them with strength. 你不能总是控制你周围的环境和事件。然而,你总是可以做的是选择以力量来迎接它们。

Strength adds value to where you are and what you do. Whether you’re being praised, prodded, attacked, or assisted, with strength you can respond in the most appropriate and positive manner. 实力为您所处的位置和工作增加价值。无论您是被表扬、刺激、攻击还是帮助,您都可以凭借力量以最适当和积极的方式做出回应。

Strength is not the only quality necessary for a well lived life. Yet without strength the other qualities won’t get you very far. 力量并不是过上美好生活的唯一必要品质。然而,没有力量,其他品质不会让你走得很远。

With strength you rise above your own pettiness and the pettiness of others. Strength focuses you on what matters most, and provides the effectiveness to pursue your highest priorities. 凭借力量,你可以超越自己的小气和他人的小气。Strength 让您专注于最重要的事情,并提供追求最高优先级的效率。

Strength comes when you have a meaningful reason to exercise it. Strength endures when it is grounded in truth and authenticity. 当你有有意义的理由去锻炼它时,力量就会出现。当力量建立在真理和真实性之上时,它就会经久不衰。

Every day brings multiple opportunities to strengthen your mind, body, spirit, your love and understanding. Seize upon the best of those opportunities, and work to become an ever stronger positive force in life. 每一天都带来多种机会来增强您的思想、身体、精神、爱和理解力。抓住这些最好的机会,努力成为生活中越来越强大的积极力量。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿



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