Definitely now

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共923字       Views:18

For the precious and unique life you are destined to live, consigning it to maybe someday is not good enough. Rather than maybe someday, definitely now is the time to move your life, your world, your hopes and values forward. 对于你注定要过的珍贵而独特的生活,也许有一天把它托付给它是不够的。与其说是某一天,不如说现在是推动你的生活、你的世界、你的希望和价值观向前发展的时候了。

Every day comes packed with promise and possibility. That absolutely includes this very day in which you can now take decisive action. 每一天都充满了希望和可能性。这绝对包括您现在可以采取果断行动的这一天。

Your amazing potential begs you to do precisely that. This is where, now is when. 你惊人的潜力恳求你恰恰去做这件事。这就是地方,现在就是时间。

Here is the moment to fully recognize the depth of opportunity that permeates your world. Here is your moment to do something with it. 现在是充分认识到渗透到你们世界的机会深度的时刻。现在是你用它做点什么的时候了。

Someday is merely a pleasant concept, nothing more. Yet now is a rich and solid reality, brimming with possibility, immediately available for action. 总有一天只是一个令人愉快的概念,仅此而已。然而,现在是一个丰富而坚实的现实,充满了可能性,可以立即采取行动。

Take that action, live your life. Do it definitely now. 采取行动,过好自己的生活。现在就做。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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