Your next choice

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共784字       Views:16

The quality of your life is determined by all choices large and small. Keep that in mind as you choose well, for every choice matters. 您的生活质量取决于所有大大小小的选择。在你选择时要记住这一点,因为每一个选择都很重要。

Choose excellence over convenience. Choose reliability over opulence. 选择卓越而不是便利。选择可靠性而不是富裕。

Choose beauty over expediency. Choose enduring connections over momentary transactions. 选择美丽而不是权宜之计。选择 endurable connections 而不是 momentary transactions。

Choose truth over ease. Choose authenticity over appearance. 选择真理而不是轻松。选择真实性而不是外观。

Make the kinds of choices that bring real value now, and later, for you, and for all around you. Make the choices that enable you to avoid regret and to experience fulfillment. 做出各种选择,现在和将来为您和您周围的人带来真正的价值。做出能够让您避免遗憾并体验到成就感的选择。

Your next choice is a turning point. Get clear right now about which direction you are committed to always turn. 您的下一个选择是一个转折点。现在就明确您始终致力于的方向。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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