Living values

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共999字       Views:19

Thinking a kind thought is admirable. Offering a kind word at an opportune moment is better, and acting on your kindness, even more so. 善意的想法是令人钦佩的。在适当的时候说一句好话更好,而按照你的善意行事更是如此。

It’s a nice gesture to express your love. Yet it can be life-changing to put your love into practice. 这是表达爱意的好举动。然而,将您的爱付诸实践可能会改变生活。

Your most treasured values aren’t just for talking about. They’re for living on a day-to-day basis. 您最珍视的价值观不仅仅是用来谈论的。他们是为了日常生活。

It can be easy to become resentful about people who don’t share your values. But whenever you feel such resentment take it as a cue to ask yourself, what specific actions are you taking to share those values? 我们很容易对那些与你价值观不同的人产生怨恨。但是,每当你感到这种怨恨时,就把它当作一个提示,问问自己,你正在采取什么具体行动来分享这些价值观?

As demanding as it can be, living your values produces a very good feeling. Because your efforts are resonating with the truth of who you are. 尽管要求很高,但践行你的价值观会产生一种非常好的感觉。因为你的努力与你是谁的真相产生了共鸣。

With the way you live each moment, generously extend your best values far beyond you. Serve as a constant conduit for authentic goodness, allowing it to grow more abundant. 以你每时每刻的生活方式,慷慨地将你的最佳价值延伸到你自己之外。作为真正善良的持续渠道,让它变得更加丰富。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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