Time well spent

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1046字       Views:30

Time is the most valuable resource available for you to invest. Pay close attention and give thoughtful intention to what you do with it. 时间是您投资的最宝贵资源。密切关注并深思熟虑地使用它。

Consider the most fulfilling aspects of your life. They are all largely the result of how you’ve chosen to spend your time. 考虑一下你生活中最充实的方面。它们在很大程度上都是您选择如何花费时间的结果。

Continue to be informed by those beneficial choices and experiences. Invest your time in ways that bring new richness to your world and to your life. 继续从这些有益的选择和经验中汲取信息。将您的时间投资于为您的世界和生活带来新的丰富性的方式。

An hour well spent can change your entire outlook for the better. A year well spent will send its positive echoes for decades, even centuries. 花一个小时好好可以让你的整个前景变得更好。度过美好的一年将在几十年甚至几个世纪内产生积极的回响。

Right now is the additional time you will one day wish to have. This is when you can actually do all sorts of things you’ll eventually wish you could still do. 现在是你有一天希望拥有的额外时间。这是你实际上可以做你最终希望你仍然可以做的各种事情的时候。

Make those future wishes a reality, and make those future regrets disappear before they ever arise. Invest your time in what’s good, in what’s life affirming, and in what truly matters, now. 让这些未来的愿望成为现实,让那些未来的遗憾在它们出现之前就消失。现在就把你的时间投入到美好的事物上,投入到肯定生活的事情上,投入到真正重要的事情上。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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