Now is enough

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共907字       Views:27

What you require for now is what you have. Where you must be in this moment is where you are. 您现在需要的就是您所拥有的。此时此刻你必须在哪里,就是你所在的地方。

Allow right now to be enough. Let go of any wishes that things had been different. 现在就足够了。放下任何希望事情已经不同的愿望。

Invest all your thoughts and energy into making the best of the reality that is. Be here, be now, accept all that exists in this moment, and go to work with it. 将你所有的思想和精力投入到充分利用现实中。就在这里,活在当下,接受此刻存在的一切,然后带着它去工作。

Rather than disparage what you cannot change, take action on all you’re able to improve. Now is when you can make a difference by embracing it honestly and fully. 与其贬低你无法改变的东西,不如对你能改进的一切采取行动。现在是你可以通过诚实和充分地接受它来有所作为的时候。

Now is enough, you are enough, what you know, what you have, what you’ve experienced, what you feel, are enough. They are all enough for you to move positively and successfully forward. 现在就够了,你就够了,你所知道的,你所拥有的,你所经历的,你所感受到的,都足够了。它们都足以让您积极成功地前进。

You have now, and now is filled with all the potential you could ever imagine. Put it to work, now. 你现在拥有,现在充满了你能想象到的所有潜力。现在就开始工作吧。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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