
Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1013字       Views:21

Maintain awareness not only of what can be seen. Stay aware also of the possibilities that could be hidden. 不仅要保持对可见事物的意识。还要注意可能隐藏的可能性。

Awareness involves being knowledgeable. It also involves being open to what exists beyond your knowledge. 意识包括知识渊博。它还涉及对超出您知识范围的事物持开放态度。

Countless generations of your ancestors honed their awareness in order to survive. Today, your own awareness gives you advantages in doing all you seek to do, in living the life you seek to live. 你们的祖先的无数代人为了生存而磨练了他们的意识。今天,你自己的觉知给你带来优势,去做你寻求去做的一切,去过你所寻求的生活。

It is literally good sense to make critical use of all your senses. Multiply that by filtering and amplifying your perceptions through your focus and experience. 批判性地利用你所有的感官确实是很好的意义。通过你的专注力和经验来过滤和放大你的感知,从而增加这一点。

Look with clarity, listen with accuracy, read between the lines. Pay attention to the raw sensations and feelings, for they have their messages to convey. 清晰地看,准确地倾听,阅读字里行间。请留意这些原始的感觉和感受,因为它们有自己的信息要传达。

Your diligent awareness enables you to move through your world in the most successful manner. Be aware, and be ready to deal with whatever may come. 你勤奋的觉知使你能够以最成功的方式在你的世界中移动。要有意识,并准备好应对可能发生的任何事情。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿



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