Power to adapt

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1120字       Views:16

All sorts of factors in your life and in your world keep changing from day to day, moment to moment. That can be a big problem for you, or it can be a great opportunity. 你的生活和你的世界里的各种因素每天都在变化。这对您来说可能是一个大问题,也可能是一个很好的机会。

You have the power to adapt to changing conditions. Make use of that power, and get the inevitable changes to work in your favor. 您有能力适应不断变化的条件。利用这种力量,让不可避免的改变对你有利。

A few hours from now, or next week, or the entire future, they’re all moving targets. The most carefully laid plans can become useless and outdated overnight. 从现在开始的几个小时,或者下周,或者整个未来,他们都是移动的目标。最精心制定的计划可能会在一夜之间变得毫无用处和过时。

Yet that’s no reason to give up on your goals. On the contrary, it’s an opportunity to deploy your power to adapt. 然而,这并不是放弃目标的理由。相反,这是一个部署你的力量来适应的机会。

It might actually be that a changing situation offers even better possibilities than what existed before. Position yourself to fulfill the best of those possibilities by adapting to the changes. 实际上,不断变化的情况可能提供了比以前更好的可能性。通过适应变化来定位自己,以充分利用这些可能性。

When your world changes, you could become immobilized with worry, you could waste time and energy complaining, or you can adapt. Let your power to adapt kick in, and be your best in an ever-changing world. 当你的世界发生变化时,你可能会因为担忧而动弹不得,你可能会浪费时间和精力抱怨,或者你可以适应。让您的适应能力发挥作用,在不断变化的世界中做到最好。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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