Say you will

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共958字       Views:19

Intention shines a light on specific possibilities and opportunities. Express a particular intention, and you begin to find your way toward its fulfillment. 意图揭示了特定的可能性和机会。表达一个特定的意图,你开始找到实现它的方法。

Intention gathers your willingness and aims it all in the same direction. Intention energizes your skills and capabilities. 意图聚集你的意愿,并将其全部瞄准同一个方向。意图激发您的技能和能力。

Say you will, and mean it. Say you will, with seriousness and conviction, and you’re on your way to getting it done. 说你会的,而且是认真的。说你会的,带着认真和信念,你正在完成它。

Say you will, then begin right away to follow through. Express your intention with so much certainty and commitment that you’re compelled by your own determination to keep it alive. 说你会的,然后立即开始跟进。以如此确定和承诺的方式表达你的意图,以至于你被自己的决心所驱使,要让它保持活力。

Transform your scattered dreams, preferences, and wishes into solid intentions. Decide what you will indeed do, and put the whole of yourself behind that decision. 将你零散的梦想、偏好和愿望转化为坚实的意图。决定你确实要做什么,并将你自己全部投入到这个决定的背后。

Say you will, then do more than just saying it. Make your intention, then make it happen. 说你会的,然后做的不仅仅是说出来。提出你的意图,然后让它发生。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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