Realm of reality

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共955字       Views:16

Reality is often not easy to accept. But it is ultimately easier for you, and better for you, to accept reality than to deny it. 现实往往不容易接受。但最终,接受现实比否认现实更容易,对你来说也更好。

Because reality always wins. You also can win within the confines and conditions of reality, but you cannot win apart from it. 因为现实总是赢的。你也可以在现实的界限和条件下获胜,但离开它你就无法获胜。

Reality is the domain where you can get good things done. Reality does have its challenges, and by pushing through those challenges you create new value. 现实是你可以把好事做好的领域。现实确实有其挑战,通过克服这些挑战,您可以创造新的价值。

Acknowledge the difference between how you wish the world could be and how it actually is. By doing so, you can spot opportunities for moving toward desirable outcomes. 承认你希望世界是什么样子和实际是什么样子之间的差异。通过这样做,您可以发现朝着理想结果迈进的机会。

Look clearly, honestly, courageously at what is. Let all you see inform you and inspire you as you work toward your ideals for what can be. 清晰、诚实、勇敢地看待什么是。让您所看到的一切都告知您并激励您朝着理想的目标努力。

Give accuracy to your perceptions and effectiveness to your actions. Keep yourself firmly anchored in the realm of reality. 让你的感知准确,让你的行动有效。让自己牢牢地锚定在现实的领域中。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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