Driving purpose

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共981字       Views:26

At your core, purpose drives you. Live true to that purpose, and you’ll bring power and persistence to your actions. 从本质上讲,目标驱动着你。忠于这个目标,你会为你的行为带来力量和毅力。

There is a purpose that fulfills you. Find and understand that purpose, and you will achieve great and meaningful things. 有一个目标可以满足你。找到并理解这个目标,你将取得伟大而有意义的成就。

There is a purpose that is you. But how do you uncover that purpose? 有一个目标就是你。但是你如何发现这个目的呢?

Learn to let go of all the distractions that ultimately have no lasting meaning. Look at life with the intention of seeing what you know, what is there, what is true, rather than what others insist you should see. 学会放下所有最终没有持久意义的干扰。看待生活的目的是看到你所知道的、那里的、真实的,而不是别人坚持你应该看到的。

Look beyond the fleeting, superficial concerns of fame, fortune and fashion. Focus instead on building real and timeless qualities such as value, wisdom and love. 超越对名声、财富和时尚的转瞬即逝、肤浅的关注。相反,专注于建立真实和永恒的品质,例如价值、智慧和爱。

Seek that which is real, that which has substance, and the purpose that is yours becomes clear. Stay connected to your purpose, and live in the experience of its unmatched power. 寻求真实、有实质的事物,属于你的目标就会变得清晰。与您的目标保持联系,并体验其无与伦比的力量。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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