Potential for improvement

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1396字       Views:17

There’s a continuing opportunity present in your life. On any day, in every situation, you have great potential for improvement. 你的生活中有一个持续的机会。在任何一天,在任何情况下,你都有很大的改进潜力。

That doesn’t mean there’s anything particularly wrong with you or the way you live right now. It does mean you can always increase your effectiveness and fine-tune your focus on bringing new goodness into being. 这并不意味着你或你现在的生活方式有什么特别的问题。这确实意味着您始终可以提高效率并微调您的关注点,以实现新的美好。

How do you identify that potential and the specific ways to fulfill it? Look at the world around you, and notice the problems you see. 您如何识别这种潜力以及实现它的具体方法?看看你周围的世界,注意你看到的问题。

The reason you’re able to notice an external problem is because the problem has some degree of resonance within you. So ask yourself, what actions, habits, and priorities can you adopt in your own life as a positive response to that problem? 你之所以能够注意到一个外部问题,是因为这个问题在你内部有一定程度的共鸣。所以问问自己,你可以在自己的生活中采取哪些行动、习惯和优先事项来积极应对这个问题?

In so doing, you have the power to improve not only your own situation but also the lives of those around you. You are putting into practice the well-known admonition to be the change you wish to see in the world. 这样做,您不仅有能力改善自己的处境,还可以改善周围人的生活。你正在将众所周知的告诫付诸实践,成为你希望在世界上看到的改变。

In a time when so many are so intent on telling others what they should do, the most powerful, accessible way to improve the world still is to improve yourself. Devote time and energy to fulfilling your own great potential, and you raise life itself to a more positive place, time after time. 在这个时代,很多人都如此执着于告诉别人他们应该做什么,改善世界最强大、最容易获得的方法仍然是提升自己。投入时间和精力来发挥自己的巨大潜力,你就会一次又一次地将生活本身提升到一个更积极的地方。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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