Effort after effort

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1034字       Views:18

Do a little work. Then do a little more. 做一点工作。然后多做一点。

No meaningful journey consists of just a single step. Getting anywhere takes multiple efforts, and then many more. 没有一个有意义的旅程只由一个步骤组成。到达任何地方都需要付出多方面的努力,然后付出更多努力。

Sometimes you can easily measure your progress with each discrete step, and other times it’s not so obvious. Yet in every case it is the effort, followed by more effort, that’s essential to the progress. 有时您可以轻松衡量每个离散步骤的进度,而其他时候则不那么明显。然而,在每一种情况下,努力和更多的努力对进步都至关重要。

As tedious as each effort may seem, in that effort exists pure, raw value. And you are in the process of stacking instances of that value, like so many bricks, into a wall of achievement. 尽管每一项努力看起来都很乏味,但在这种努力中,存在着纯粹、原始的价值。而你正在将该价值的实例(就像许多砖块)堆叠成一堵成就之墙。

The completion of one task makes another task possible. Layer upon layer, step after step, unique achievement finds and establishes its form based on your continued efforts. 完成一项任务后,另一项任务成为可能。层层叠叠,一步又一步,独特的成就会根据您的持续努力找到并建立其形式。

The result you seek is already taking shape as you complete effort after effort. Keep it up, and fulfill the whole of the potential that you’re already bringing to life. 随着您一次又一次的努力,您寻求的结果已经形成。继续努力,发挥您已经带来的全部潜力。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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