Your potential

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共831字       Views:33

You are born to succeed. You are equipped to succeed. 你生来就是为了成功。您已准备好取得成功。

But success is not a foregone conclusion. If it’s to happen, you must make it happen. 但成功并不是必然的结论。如果它要发生,你必须让它发生。

That’s entirely possible and even likely. Yet it’s not easy, or quick, or without friction. 这是完全可能的,甚至是可能的。然而,这并不容易,也不是快速的,也不是没有摩擦的。

What it is, though, is worth the trouble. Your success in achieving meaningful results adds a type of richness to life that’s not attainable in any other way. 不过,它是什么,值得一试。你成功取得有意义的结果,为生活增添了一种无法通过任何其他方式实现的丰富性。

Decide what matters and commit yourself to doing something about it. Because in the deepest part of you, that’s who you are, and that’s what you can do. 决定什么是重要的,并致力于为此做点什么。因为在你的最深处,这就是你是谁,这就是你能做的。

Understand the unique potential that exists as a result of your own existence. Fulfill the destiny that lives in you, and successfully bring that potential to fruition. 了解你自己的存在所存在的独特潜力。实现你内心的命运,并成功地将这种潜力付诸实践。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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