Use it up

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共914字       Views:37

Today will soon be gone whether you do anything with it or not. So while you have it, use it up and then some. 无论你是否用它做任何事情,今天很快就会消失。因此,当您拥有它时,先用完它,然后再用一些。

Fill the hours living life like it matters. Because it does, and you do, with so much to learn, experience, and accomplish. 把生活当作重要的事情来填满。因为它确实如此,而您也确实如此,需要学习、体验和完成很多事情。

Time is going by fast. Go right along with it, full of positive purpose, enthusiasm, kindness and gratitude. 时间过得很快。顺其自然,充满积极的目标、热情、善良和感恩。

Don’t permit yourself to put off until later all the great living you can do right now. This is your chance to taste life at its richest and most meaningful. 不要让自己把你现在能做的所有美好生活推迟到以后。这是您品尝生活最丰富、最有意义的机会。

Take that chance, seize the opportunity that’s right in front of you. What you take for granted will eventually disappear, but whatever you make good use of creates value that endures. 抓住这个机会,抓住摆在您面前的机会。你认为理所当然的东西最终会消失,但无论你善用什么,都会创造持久的价值。

Here is your present moment, your place, your circumstance. Now, capitalize on what it all has to offer. 这是你的当下,你的地方,你的环境。现在,利用它所提供的一切。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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