Choose peace

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共975字       Views:37

Peace is possible for you, here, now. Peace settles into you when you allow it. 和平对你来说是可能的,此时此地。当你允许它时,平静就会安顿下来。

The situation is stressful, the challenges pile on. Even so, peace waits quietly, reliably, for whenever you decide to let it be. 情况压力很大,挑战不断。即便如此,和平还是静静地、可靠地等待着你决定让它成为现实的时刻。

Plenty of forces in your life and in the world at large act to discourage and impair peace. And though you must acknowledge and deal with that reality, you can choose to be peaceful nonetheless. 在你的生活和整个世界里,有大量的力量在行动着阻止和破坏和平。尽管你必须承认并处理这个现实,但你仍然可以选择保持平静。

Your own sense of peace does not magically make everything perfect. What it does, is enable you to act with purpose, intention, kindness, clarity and effectiveness. 你自己的平安感并不能神奇地使一切都变得完美。它的作用是使您能够有目的、有意图、善意、清晰和有效地行事。

Peace is a good place to come from and a good place to go. Peace is not everywhere, but you can make sure it’s always somewhere. 和平是一个好地方,也是一个好去处。和平并非无处不在,但您可以确保它总是在某个地方。

When you need it most, when others can benefit, or just because you can, choose peace. And go confidently forward in its power. 当你最需要的时候,当别人可以从中受益,或者仅仅因为你可以,就选择和平。并自信地在它的力量中前进。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


作者: 简介:

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