See the magic

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共994字       Views:37

A magical light reaches softly into every corner of the world. Sometimes you can see it. 一道神奇的光芒柔和地伸入世界的每一个角落。有时你可以看到它。

It sparkles brightly in the eyes of a child who has just discovered for the first time. It warms the forest floor after a bitter, windy storm. 它在一个刚刚第一次发现的孩子的眼中闪耀着光芒。在一场猛烈的暴风雨之后,它温暖了森林的地面。

You can think yourself way too busy and sophisticated to pay attention. Yet the magic remains there to enchant, any time you give it the chance. 你可能会认为自己太忙太老练了,以至于无法集中注意力。然而,只要你给它机会,魔法就在那里让你着迷。

In the weariness of a sleepless night, you suddenly feel an uncanny comfort. Rounding the top of another mundane hill, you delight in the golden valley stretching out before your eyes. 在一个不眠之夜的疲惫中,你突然感到一种难以置信的安慰。绕过另一座平凡的山顶,您欣赏着眼前延伸的金色山谷。

It’s funny how the magic appears when you least expect it, and most need it. Almost as if to remind you how much you can care, how alive you can be. 有趣的是,魔法是如何在你最意想不到的、最需要它的时候出现的。几乎就像在提醒你你有多在乎,你可以有多么活着。

You’ve seen the magic once and again, enough to know it is real. Maybe if you were a little more open, just imagine the wonders you’d behold. 你已经一次又一次地看到了这种魔力,足以知道它是真实的。也许如果你更开放一点,想象一下你会看到的奇迹。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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