Harness the energy

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1046字       Views:38

Consider what just happened and ask yourself. What energy do I take from this and how can I make good use of it? 想想刚刚发生的事情,问问自己。我从中获得了什么能量,我该如何充分利用它?

Success can energize your life, difficulty can energize your life. Frustration energizes you, and satisfaction energizes you. 成功可以让你的生活充满活力,困难可以让你的生活充满活力。挫折让你充满活力,满足感让你充满活力。

Where your energy comes from is not always up to you. Yet what you do with it is very much your choice. 你的能量来自哪里并不总是由你决定的。然而,你用它做什么在很大程度上是你的选择。

From the worst days you often end up with the best stories, and powerful, memorable inspiration. Even life’s negative incidents provide you the raw material for positive energy. 从最糟糕的日子开始,你往往会得到最好的故事,以及强大、难忘的灵感。即使是生活中的负面事件也为你提供了正能量的原材料。

Find the energy that comes with each experience, good, bad, in between, and utilize it. Always have a worthy purpose ready to act upon whenever a new burst of energy arrives in your life. 找到每一次经历带来的能量,好的、坏的、介于两者之间的,并利用它。始终有一个有价值的目标,随时准备在你的生活中出现新的能量爆发时采取行动。

When you notice yourself intensely feeling one way or another about something, there’s energy coming your way. Embrace that energy, harness it, and put it to good use. 当你注意到自己对某件事有这样或那样的强烈感觉时,就会有能量向你袭来。拥抱这种能量,利用它,并充分利用它。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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