A future to inhabit

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共934字       Views:26

What has been, has been. For all its flaws, regrets, lost opportunities, as well as for its many benefits, accept the past and move forward. 过去,过去。尽管它有所有的缺陷、遗憾、失去的机会,以及它的许多好处,但要接受过去并继续前进。

Perhaps it would seem desirable to change the past, but can you really be sure what that would gain you? And in any case, it’s not possible. 也许改变过去似乎是可取的,但您真的能确定这会给您带来什么好处吗?无论如何,这是不可能的。

Fortunately, you can impact your own future. It’s something you’re able to do every day. 幸运的是,您可以影响自己的未来。这是您每天都能做的事情。

That’s much more preferable. Because the future is where you’ll live the rest of your life. 那要好得多。因为未来是您将度过余生的地方。

Rather than useless wishing about changing the past, you can act right now to create a future of your choosing. Instead of fighting against reality, you can put it to work for you. 与其无用地希望改变过去,不如现在就行动起来,创造一个你选择的未来。与其与现实作斗争,不如让它为您工作。

Transform your thoughts about what could have been into actions that determine what will indeed be. You have a future to inhabit, and it’s as bright as you’re willing to make it. 将你对可能的想法转化为决定未来行动的行动。你有一个未来可以居住,只要你愿意去做,它就会一片光明。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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