Pushing ahead

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共766字       Views:38

You are on your way forward. Keep going. 你正在前进的路上。继续前进。

You are doing many things well. Continue with the good work, and add to it. 你做了很多事情。继续做得很好,并添加到它上面。

You’ve learned what works and what doesn’t. Persist in putting that wisdom into practice every day. 您已经了解了哪些有效,哪些无效。坚持每天将这种智慧付诸实践。

You’ve accumulated valuable experience. Make good and purposeful use of that experience. 您积累了宝贵的经验。好好利用和有目的地利用这些经验。

Despite the numerous setbacks, you know what progress feels like and how to bring it about. Even when you occasionally find yourself wandering off track, you’re able to quickly get back on. 尽管遇到了许多挫折,但您知道进步是什么感觉以及如何实现它。即使您偶尔发现自己偏离了轨道,您也能快速恢复。

Today is another great day to be the effective force you know you can be. You’ve successfully made it this far, and now is your opportunity to continue pushing ahead. 今天又是成为你知道自己可以成为的有效力量的好日子。您已经成功地走到了这一步,现在是您继续前进的机会。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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