Feeling and thinking

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1036字       Views:31

Emotion informs you, discipline empowers you. Both are necessary, in measured balance. 情感告诉你,纪律赋予你力量。在衡量的平衡中,两者都是必要的。

Drama inspires purposeful pursuits, and rationality enables effective action. Both have their place, and it’s your place to mediate between them. 戏剧激发有目的的追求,理性使有效的行动成为可能。两者都有其位置,这是您在它们之间调解的地方。

Yes, by all means let yourself feel the feelings. At the same time, do your best to look objectively at the facts. 是的,一定要让自己感受一下。同时,请尽最大努力客观地看待事实。

Decisions based purely on feelings will leave you powerless. Decisions based purely on facts will leave you empty. 纯粹基于感觉的决定会让你无能为力。纯粹基于事实的决定会让你空虚。

What’s far preferable to either of those fates is to live a life of wholeness, with thoughts and feelings supporting each other. Embrace the mysteries of life while also recognizing the factual realities of the world in which you live. 比这两种命运中的任何一种都更可取的是过一种完整的生活,思想和感情相互支持。拥抱生活的奥秘,同时也认识到您所生活的世界的事实现实。

It’s a great wonder of your existence that you can harmonize your thoughts and feelings to consider and support each other. Keep that harmony going, and live in the richness it enables you to create. 你们能够协调自己的思想和感受,互相考虑和支持,这是你们存在的一个巨大奇迹。保持这种和谐,并生活在它使您能够创造的丰富性中。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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