Reach, reach, reach

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共961字       Views:31

Somewhere beyond you is your highest possibility. Reach for it. 在你之外的某个地方,是你最大的可能性。伸手去拿。

If you attain that possibility, you win. And even if you fall short of the mark, you still win. 如果你达到了这种可能性,你就赢了。即使你没有达到目标,你仍然赢了。

For it is the reaching that truly counts. The results absolutely do matter, yet what makes them so valuable is the process you go through to attain them. 因为真正重要的是触及。结果确实很重要,但使它们如此有价值的是你为实现它们所经历的过程。

When you put forth the effort and get the results you want, that’s great. When the effort’s there but the results aren’t satisfactory, you’ve prepared yourself to come back even stronger next time. 当你付出努力并得到你想要的结果时,那太好了。当努力到位但结果不令人满意时,您已经准备好下次变得更强大。

Winners are not those who merely have good fortune handed to them. Winners are people who do what is necessary to reach their good fortune. 赢家不仅仅是那些幸运的人。赢家是那些为了达到好运而做必要事情的人。

Reach, reach, reach, with every moment, every thought, every action, and you will get the results you seek, or at the very least you will get the experience you need. Either way, you win. 触及、触及、触及,每时每刻、每一个想法、每一个行动,你都会得到你想要的结果,或者至少你会得到你需要的经验。无论哪种方式,您都赢了。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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