Patience to be

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共853字       Views:29

Have the patience to be. Let yourself experience yourself as you are, in the world as it is. 要有耐心。让自己体验自己的本来面目,体验世界的本来面目。

There are numerous improvements you can make. Yet there exists even more goodness that currently is. 您可以进行许多改进。然而,目前还有更多的善良。

Go deep into the existence that already envelops you. Appreciate the now that encompasses so much life and value and substance. 深入已经包围你的存在。欣赏包含如此多生命、价值和实质的现在。

Relax the stiffness in your jaw, and let go of the constant thought that you have to be somewhere. For you are somewhere, and it is well worth the entirety of your attention. 放松下巴的僵硬,放下你得去某个地方的不断想法。因为你在某个地方,这完全值得你全神贯注。

Allow yourself the satisfying wholeness of being. Stop needing and seeking long enough for a healing dose of life’s magnificence to settle upon your soul. 让自己获得令人满意的整体性。停止需要和寻求足够长的时间,让生命的壮丽治愈剂量落在你的灵魂上。

Gift your life and your world with a little bit of pure patience. Discover again how beautiful it is just to be. 用一点纯粹的耐心来馈赠你的生活和你的世界。再次发现它是多么美丽。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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