Smart choice

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1107字       Views:62

It’s tempting to do the popular thing, the showy thing, the dramatic thing. What’s always better is to do the smart thing. 做流行的事情、炫耀的事情、戏剧性的事情是很诱人的。做聪明的事情总是更好的。

The thrills, fashions and adulations of the moment fade all too quickly. Yet the choices that have been well thought out can result in enduring value. 当下的刺激、时尚和赞美很快就消失了。然而,经过深思熟虑的选择可以带来持久的价值。

A snide comment at just the right time will get you a quick laugh, but nothing after that. However, holding your tongue is likely to earn you respect and genuine admiration that outlive the moment. 在适当的时候发表冷嘲热讽的评论会让你很快发笑,但在那之后就什么都没有了。然而,保持沉默可能会为你赢得尊重和真诚的钦佩,这些尊重和钦佩会超越当下。

It’s great to have fun, but fun loses its luster when it is all you ever choose. Overindulging feels good while you’re doing it, yet it’s usually something you’ll quickly regret. 玩得开心是件好事,但当它成为你选择的一切时,乐趣就失去了光彩。过度放纵时感觉很好,但通常你很快就会后悔。

You can often appear smart and sophisticated by thoughtlessly mimicking the words and actions of others. But that could very well set you up to eventually look foolish. 您通常可以通过不经意地模仿他人的言行来显得聪明和老练。但这很可能会让你最终看起来很愚蠢。

Instead, give some real, honest thought to your choices. Go with what’s smart, and you’re much more likely to end up with the outcome that’s best. 相反,对你的选择进行一些真实、诚实的思考。选择聪明的,您更有可能最终得到最好的结果。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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