Perfect outcome

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1055字       Views:63

You study, plan, organize and prepare so it will all be perfect. But it won’t be completely perfect. 您学习、计划、组织和准备,以便一切都会完美无缺。但它不会完全完美。

It will unfold the way it unfolds, which will never be as perfectly as you envision. And that’s perfectly okay. 它会以它展开的方式展开,这永远不会像你想象的那样完美。这完全没关系。

There’s nothing wrong with thoughtful consideration and careful, thorough preparation. Except when there is, when it significantly delays or prevents you from ever taking action. 深思熟虑和仔细、彻底的准备并没有错。除非有,当它严重延迟或阻止您采取行动时。

If you refuse to act unless you’re guaranteed a perfect outcome, you won’t be doing much of anything. Much of the richness that could have filled your world will never be. 如果你拒绝采取行动,除非你保证你会有完美的结果,你就不会做任何事情。许多本来可以充满你们世界的丰富性将永远不会存在。

If you insist on being assured beforehand of a perfect experience, you’ve already lost. You’ve denied yourself the value of actually living that experience, and replaced it with a hollow fantasy. 如果您坚持事先确保获得完美的体验,那么您已经输了。你否认了自己真正体验那种体验的价值,并用空洞的幻想取而代之。

Work to get it right, to get it excellent, but not so obsessively that you never get it done. Give it your best, and confidently allow life to happen as it will. 努力把它做好,让它变得出色,但不要太执着以至于你永远无法完成它。尽你最大的努力,自信地让生活如愿以偿。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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