Purposeful action

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1106字       Views:67

More times than you can remember, you’ve set a goal and achieved it. Now you can do it again. 你已经设定了一个目标并实现了它的次数比你记得的要多。现在你可以再做一次。

From efforts that span just a few minutes, to ambitions that take years to materialize, you’ve participated in purposeful action. Continue putting that experience to good use. 从短短几分钟的努力,到需要数年时间才能实现的雄心壮志,您都参与了有目的的行动。继续好好利用这些经验。

Remind yourself that when your time and your actions have a purpose, life takes on added meaning. Look around and see plenty of opportunities to extend that rewarding way of living. 提醒自己,当你的时间和你的行动有目的时,生活就会有更多的意义。环顾四周,发现有很多机会可以扩展这种有益的生活方式。

Purposeful action is not usually easy or convenient or free of complications when you’re immersed in it. Yet almost always, the results are worth your trouble. 当你沉浸其中时,有目的的行动通常并不容易或不方便,也没有并发症。然而,几乎总是,结果是值得您麻烦的。

Most of the good things in your life exist because someone chose to make a positive difference. That’s a choice you can make again and again. 你生活中的大部分美好事物之所以存在,是因为有人选择做出积极的改变。这是你可以一次又一次地做出的选择。

This place, this time, this situation and the people who share it can benefit from your positive, purposeful intervention. Challenge yourself to envision what’s possible, then act on it. 这个地方、这个时间、这个情况和分享它的人都可以从你积极、有目的的干预中受益。挑战自己,设想什么是可能的,然后付诸行动。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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