Life does go on

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1104字       Views:66

A season ago, quite a few things were different in your life, and in the world at large. A season hence, will be more developments you never could have anticipated. 一个赛季前,你的生活和整个世界发生了很多不同。从此以后的赛季中,将出现更多您从未预料到的发展。

Through it all, life goes on. And it’s helpful to keep that in mind. 通过这一切,生活仍在继续。记住这一点会很有帮助。

When a notable change comes along, it can easily overwhelm your sense of past and present. But after a while that change gets put into a more realistic perspective, just as everything else has been. 当一个显着的变化出现时,它很容易压倒你对过去和现在的感觉。但过了一段时间,这种变化就被置于更现实的角度,就像其他一切一样。

Sometimes the quick pace of change can make you feel like life as you know it is being forever upended. Yet life does go on, and you do adjust, and what mattered before still matters just as much. 有时,快速的变化会让你觉得生活就像你所知道的那样,它正在被永远颠覆。然而,生活确实在继续,你确实会进行调整,以前重要的事情仍然同样重要。

As riveting as today might be, tomorrow will arrive right on schedule. When it does, you’ll thank yourself for being soberly and adequately prepared. 尽管今天可能很吸引人,但明天将如期而至。当它发生时,你会感谢自己清醒并做好了充分的准备。

Give plenty of attention and effort to the moment you’re in, but not at the expense of the moments to come. Because life does go on, and much of its richness is yet to appear. 在你所处的时刻给予足够的关注和努力,但不要以牺牲即将到来的时刻为代价。因为生活确实在继续,它的大部分丰富性还没有出现。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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