Appreciate what’s good

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共977字       Views:63

There are worse places you could be. There are worse times you could live in. 你可能在更糟糕的地方。你可能会生活在更糟糕的时代。

This day has challenges, this world has problems. Value and appreciate it all anyway, for it could be a lot worse. 今天有挑战,这个世界有问题。无论如何,珍惜并欣赏这一切,因为它可能会更糟。

It could be worse, and one big force that always makes things worse is a lack of appreciation. Be smart, be strategic, and be appreciative of what is. 情况可能会更糟,而总是让事情变得更糟的一个大力量是缺乏欣赏。要聪明,要有策略,要欣赏现状。

Yes, it’s theoretically possible that if you tear down everything you could start fresh and make something better. But it pretty much never works that way. 是的,理论上有可能,如果你把所有东西都拆掉,你可以重新开始,做出更好的东西。但几乎从来都不是这样。

Attacking what’s wrong is easy, and doesn’t require much skill. Yet expanding upon what’s right, what’s working well, is almost always a more successful tactic. 攻击错误的东西很容易,不需要太多技巧。然而,扩展正确的、行之有效的方法几乎总是更成功的策略。

Appreciate what’s beautiful, what’s reliable, what’s proven, what’s durable. And give your energy and effort to make the good things you appreciate a bigger part of life. 欣赏什么是美丽的、什么是可靠的、什么是经过验证的、什么是耐用的。并付出您的精力和努力,让您欣赏的美好事物成为生活的重要组成部分。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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