Ask more of yourself

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1058字       Views:71

Lead yourself into activities that challenge you, intellectually, physically, socially, philosophically, spiritually. Spend time in ways that stimulate the whole of your being. 带领自己参加在智力、身体、社交、哲学、精神上挑战你的活动。以刺激您整个存在的方式花时间。

Energy and strength do not arise out of idleness. They result from engaging in purposeful and challenging activity. 能量和力量不是从懒惰中产生的。它们来自于参与有目的和具有挑战性的活动。

You’ll actuate and strengthen your best abilities when you depart from your comfortable routine. By dealing with what you’ve never before dealt with, you develop strength beyond what you previously possessed. 当您离开舒适的日常生活时,您将激活并加强您的最佳能力。通过处理您以前从未处理过的事情,您可以发展出超越以前拥有的力量。

Genuine challenge energizes your imagination, your creativity, your persistence, and your sense of purpose. It’s a demanding experience, and that’s the source of its positive power. 真正的挑战激发了你的想象力、创造力、毅力和目标感。这是一次艰巨的经历,这就是其积极力量的来源。

By working through a challenge you can create valuable results. Yet every challenge also brings rewards that transcend the moment and the situation. 通过应对挑战,您可以创造有价值的结果。然而,每一次挑战也会带来超越当下和情况的回报。

Ask more of yourself. Discover again and again the benefits of giving it, and getting it. 多问问自己。一次又一次地发现给予和得到它的好处。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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