Inspired by dismay

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1055字       Views:68

Dismay gets your attention. But if you let it continue beyond that, it gets you nothing. 沮丧引起了你的注意。但是,如果你让它继续下去,它就会给你带来任何好处。

Actually, what you end up with is worse than nothing. Because dismay, more often than not, serves as an excuse for inaction and resignation. 实际上,你最终得到的比没有更糟糕。因为沮丧往往是无所作为和无奈的借口。

Sure, it’s important to accept the reality of whatever you cannot change, and that certainly includes discouraging things. But acceptance does not mean doing nothing. 当然,接受你无法改变的现实是很重要的,这当然包括令人沮丧的事情。但接纳并不意味着什么都不做。

When dismay floods into your awareness, feel its energy. Then be prompted by the feeling to transform your dismay into positive inspiration. 当沮丧涌入你的意识时,感受它的能量。然后,在这种感觉的推动下,将你的沮丧转化为积极的灵感。

Even when there are factors you cannot change, there is much good you can do. Be inspired by dismay to focus on the positive, productive, life-enriching actions you can take. 即使有些因素您无法改变,您也可以做很多好事。从沮丧中受到启发,专注于您可以采取的积极、富有成效、丰富生活的行动。

Don’t allow dismay to waste your precious time or to conceal your best possibilities. Instead, intentionally change that dismay to inspiration, and continue to push life in a positive direction. 不要让沮丧浪费您宝贵的时间或隐藏您最好的可能性。相反,有意识地将这种沮丧转化为灵感,并继续将生活推向积极的方向。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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