The real thing

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共951字       Views:66

The imitation is cheaper, quicker, very convenient. And that’s why the real thing is infinitely more satisfying. 仿制更便宜,更快捷,非常方便。这就是为什么真实的东西要令人满意得多。

An experience that demands nothing from you cannot convey anything worthwhile to you. Satisfaction does not reside in what you get unless it is rooted in what you give. 对你没有任何要求的体验无法传达任何对你有价值的东西。除非满足感植根于你付出的东西,否则它不在于你得到什么。

You might feel clever when you can check off the box without going to any trouble. The thing is, all you end up with is a checked-off box. 当您可以毫不费力地勾选复选框时,您可能会觉得自己很聪明。问题是,您最终得到的只是一个勾选框。

The point of doing anything is not just so you can take a selfie and say you’ve done it. What enriches your life is the commitment of your thoughts, your focus, your time, energy, and effort. 做任何事情的意义不仅仅是为了你可以自拍并说你已经做到了。丰富你的生活的是你对思想、专注、时间、精力和努力的承诺。

Respect yourself, your heritage, your possibilities and capabilities by insisting on the real thing. Anything less is nothing much. 尊重自己、尊重传统、尊重自己少一点就没什么大不了的。

You are a miraculous instantiation of the real thing. Refuse to settle for anything else. 你是真实事物的奇迹化身。拒绝满足于其他任何事情。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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