Good thoughts

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/08/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1189字       Views:70

An intuition is nothing particularly mysterious. It’s a thought that has more depth than you’re able to recognize. 直觉并没有什么特别神秘的。这是一个比你能够识别的更深的想法。

Much of your thinking is explicit and intentional. Yet a good portion of your best thinking occurs beneath your level of awareness, where valuable intuitions come from. 你的大部分想法都是明确和有意识的。然而,你最好的思考的很大一部分发生在你的意识水平之下,而有价值的直觉来自那里。

It can be frustrating when you’re trying too hard to think through a difficult situation and no good thoughts come to mind. Instead of trying so much, back off and give your mind the space and time to do its work. 当您太努力地思考困难的情况并且没有想到好的想法时,这可能会令人沮丧。与其尝试这么多,不如退后一步,给你的大脑空间和时间来完成它的工作。

Forced thinking is rarely the best thinking. You can attract more profound and valuable thoughts by directing your awareness elsewhere. 强迫思考很少是最好的思考。通过将你的意识引导到其他地方,你可以吸引更深刻和有价值的想法。

Focus on living your life, on being a positive force for others, on gratitude for the beauty and goodness in this world. Rather than seeking to summon your best thoughts directly, provide them an ideal environment. 专注于过自己的生活,成为他人的积极力量,感恩这个世界上的美丽和善良。与其寻求直接召唤你最好的想法,不如为他们提供一个理想的环境。

All thinking occurs within a context. Instead of a needy, demanding context, create an appreciative, expansive context, and your good thoughts will surely come forth. 所有的思考都发生在一个环境中。与其创造一个需要的、苛刻的环境,不如创造一个欣赏的、广阔的环境,你的好主意肯定会出来。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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