Inspiration and humility

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/10/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1015字       Views:14

Work yourself into a heated state of inspiration. Then splash yourself with the chilled water of humility. 让自己进入一种激情的状态。那就用谦卑的冷水泼你自己吧。

Yes, you can dream big and you can make progress in the direction of those dreams. Yet doing so requires a healthy and persistent dose of reality. 是的,你可以有远大的梦想,你可以朝着梦想的方向前进。然而,这样做需要健康和持久的现实剂量。

Humble yourself in the presence of your own aspirations. Dare to dream and humbly acknowledge that your dream demands a massive amount of hard work and time. 在你自己的愿望面前谦卑自己。敢于梦想,并谦虚地承认你的梦想需要大量的努力和时间。

That’s a powerful combination. Your dreams will keep you motivated while your humility keeps you honest and disciplined. 这是一个强大的组合。你的梦想会让你保持动力,而你的谦逊会让你保持诚实和自律。

You’re fully capable of great achievement, but it’s not because you’re the greatest achiever who has ever lived. It’s because you have the opportunity of doing the often tedious work, day after day, year upon year, to reach your goal. 你完全有能力取得伟大的成就,但这不是因为你是有史以来最伟大的成就者。这是因为你有机会日复一日,年复一年地做那些乏味的工作,以达到你的目标。

Envision the highest and best, then temper that vision with humility. For that’s precisely how you make it come to life. 想象最高和最好的,然后用谦卑来调和这个愿景。因为这正是你如何让它来生活。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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