Real presence

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/10/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1127字       Views:7

Let go of what you want people to think of you, and delight in the refreshing experience of simply being who you are. Allow expectations, agendas, worries and narratives to fall away, and just be you. 放下你想让别人怎么看你的想法,享受做你自己的新鲜体验。让期望、议程、担忧和叙述消失,做你自己。

Exist fully in the moment, in genuine connection with those around you. Laugh at yourself, with kindness, and with appreciation for your chance to be here. 完全存在于当下,与你周围的人真正联系。带着善意和感激的心情嘲笑自己,因为你有机会来到这里。

You’ll gain nothing by striving earnestly to prove something. Instead, enjoy everything by celebrating the humanity of yourself and those who share the moment with you. 你努力去证明什么是不会有任何收获的。相反,通过庆祝自己和那些与你分享这一刻的人的人性来享受一切。

Smile because you feel like it, not because you feel you should. Notice how quickly and deeply it heals your spirit. 微笑是因为你喜欢微笑,而不是因为你觉得你应该微笑。注意它是如何快速和深刻地治愈你的精神。

Life is too precious to waste any of it on worthless pretenses. Each person you encounter is too valuable to be hastily judged or dismissed, and that includes you. 生命太宝贵了,不能浪费在毫无价值的借口上。你遇到的每一个人都太有价值了,不能草率地判断或解雇,这包括你。

Give to life the soothing joy of being honest, of being authentically alive in your own existence. Experience again and again how sublime and how right such a real presence can be. 给生活以诚实的慰借,在你自己的存在中真实地活着。一次又一次地体验这样一个真实的存在是多么崇高和多么正确。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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