The hope you feel

Auth:wclab       Date:2024/10/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共980字       Views:7

Hope for the best. Then put some real, effective action behind that hope. 往好处想。然后在希望的背后采取一些真实的有效的行动。

Let hope serve as a starting point rather than a last resort. Draw energy from hope, and focus that energy on fulfilling your hope. 让希望成为起点,而不是最后的手段。从希望中汲取能量,并将能量集中在实现你的希望上。

Feel hope as it fills your awareness. And with your persistent efforts, give that hope a way to move forward. 感受希望,因为它充满了你的意识。在你们坚持不懈的努力下,给这个希望一条前进的道路。

Whatever your circumstance, there are always specific steps you can take to bring about positive change. Call upon hope to illuminate your path as you take one step after another. 无论你的情况如何,你总是可以采取一些具体的步骤来带来积极的改变。当你一步接一步地前进时,呼唤希望来照亮你的道路。

Keep your hopes high while taking care not to let those hopes become a substitute for action. Remind yourself that the hope you feel is confirmation of the good you can achieve. 保持你的希望,同时注意不要让这些希望成为行动的替代品。提醒自己,你所感受到的希望是对你所能实现的美好的肯定。

Be inspired by hope to act as the living realization of that hope. With enduring hope in your heart and willingness in your spirit, there’s no limit to how far you can go. 被希望所鼓舞,成为这个希望的活生生的实现。只要你心中有持久的希望,精神上有意愿,你就能走多远。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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