Live richly

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/8       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1024字       Views:146

A lot of people have gone to a lot of trouble over thousands of years, making it possible for you to live this day. Do not take lightly that priceless legacy. 几千年来,很多人都遇到了很多麻烦,让你有可能活到今天。不要掉以轻心。

Your situation is not perfect. But it’s a whole lot better than no situation at all. 你的情况并不完美。但这总比没有情况要好得多。

You sense and feel, think, express, and connect with others. You act to make a difference, and strive to understand and appreciate what matters and what doesn’t. 你感觉和感受、思考、表达和与他人联系。你采取行动是为了有所作为,并努力理解和欣赏什么是重要的,什么是不重要的。

You’re able to experience and interact with reality on countless levels in endless domains. With each dawning day, the possibilities for richness and fulfillment grow more numerous. 你能够在无穷无尽的领域中体验无数层次的现实并与之互动。随着每一天的黎明,丰富和满足的可能性越来越多。

Invite some specific form of that richness into your life, live it with zesty gratitude, again and again. Share it with others and work to expand it in ways that are helpful and enlightening. 邀请某种特定形式的丰富性进入你的生活,一次又一次地怀着热情的感激之情生活。与他人分享它,并努力以有用和有启发性的方式扩展它。

Embrace the opportunities and put your best effort into fulfilling what’s possible. Live richly the life that is yours, the time that is here. 抓住机会,尽最大努力实现一切可能。丰富地活出属于你的生活,活在这里的时间。

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