It pays to care

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/8       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共800字       Views:137

It pays to care about life, about others, about meaning. It pays to care about time and effectiveness and achievement. 关心生活,关心他人,关心意义是值得的。关心时间、效率和成就是值得的。

It pays to care about truth. It pays to care about what’s good, and what contributes to life. 关心真相是值得的。关心什么是好的,什么对生活有贡献是值得的。

To the extent you care, you get involved and make a difference. When you care, that caring drives your priorities, your actions, your results. 在你关心的程度上,你会参与进来并有所作为。当你关心时,这种关心会推动你的优先事项、你的行动和你的结果。

Caring is more than just feeling or saying you care. To care means to act on what you care about. 关怀不仅仅是感受或表达你的关心。关心意味着对你关心的事情采取行动。

Do that, and life resounds with purpose. Do that, and fulfillment, deep satisfaction, and enrichment all come your way. 这样做,生活就会有目的地回响。这样做,成就感、深深的满足感和充实感都会向你走来。

Go to the trouble, make the commitment, to care, in matters small and large. It’s an essential part of how life is well lived. 去麻烦,做出承诺,关心,在大大小小的事情上。这是美好生活的重要组成部分。


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