Add beauty

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/8       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1097字       Views:154

Beauty is more than just something nice to look at. Beauty uplifts life in multiple dimensions. 美丽不仅仅是好看的东西。美在多个维度上提升生活。

Experiencing beauty connects you with higher possibilities and aspirations. Creating, maintaining and expanding something beautiful will challenge you to put your best abilities into action. 体验美将您与更高的可能性和抱负联系起来。创造、维护和扩展美好的事物将挑战你把你最好的能力付诸行动。

Beauty serves as a physical manifestation of time well spent in meaningful and intentional focus. Beauty expresses love for life in ways that cannot be rendered by any other activity. 美是时间在有意义和有意识的专注中度过的物理表现。美以任何其他活动都无法呈现的方式表达对生命的热爱。

Beauty can seem to be optional and even frivolous. But life without any potential for beauty would be a dreary, dismal existence that would quickly drain your energy. 美丽似乎是可有可无的,甚至是轻浮的。但是,没有任何美丽潜力的生活将是一种沉闷、令人沮丧的存在,会很快耗尽你的精力。

Fortunately, you can find and produce true beauty in all sorts of different times and settings and modes. Beauty requires commitment in order to experience, to appreciate, to bring into existence, yet it is always within reach. 幸运的是,您可以在各种不同的时间、环境和模式中找到并产生真正的美。美需要承诺才能体验、欣赏、实现存在,但它总是触手可及的。

Never pass up the opportunity to add beauty to your experience of life. It’s always worth your time and effort. 永远不要错过为您的生活体验增添美感的机会。这总是值得你花时间和精力的。

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