Abundance and richness

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/8       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1204字       Views:135

A simple joy offers far greater nourishment to your soul than a sophisticated spectacle does. What’s modest and genuine brings you more richness than anything that’s brash and contrived. 一个简单的快乐比一个复杂的奇观更能给你的灵魂提供营养。谦虚和真诚的东西比任何傲慢和做作的东西都能给你带来更多的丰富。

Emptiness in life cannot be filled by the equally empty promises of others, or by pre-packaged experiences that have no enduring substance. Emptiness is best filled with your commitment, effort, care, love, and generosity. 生命中的空虚不能被他人同样空洞的承诺所填补,也不能被没有持久实质的预先包装的体验所填补。空虚最好用你的承诺、努力、关怀、爱和慷慨来填补。

What’s fulfilling is not easy, and what’s easy is not fulfilling. That’s abundantly clear from the history of the world and the story of your own life. 充实的不容易,容易的不充实。从世界的历史和你自己的生活故事中可以清楚地看出这一点。

Keep reminding yourself not to fall for the deceptions of ease, extravagance, and self-indulgence. You deserve so much more from your own priorities and actions. 不断提醒自己不要被轻松、奢侈和自我放纵的欺骗所迷惑。你应该得到更多来自你自己的优先事项和行动。

Whatever you seek to gain from your experience of life, consider how to offer it in similar form and measure. Participate deeply and persistently in what matters, in what makes a positive difference. 无论你想从你的生活体验中获得什么,请考虑如何以类似的形式和措施提供它。深入而执着地参与重要的事情,参与产生积极影响的事情。

Find abundance and richness in all that is true, and real, and good. Refuse to compromise your time and your life with anything else. 在一切真实、真实和美好的事物中找到丰富和丰富。拒绝用其他任何事情来牺牲你的时间和生活。

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