Freedom to live richly

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/8       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共989字       Views:146

Give yourself freedom from worries of what others might think or say about you. Offer yourself freedom from the limitations your doubts have imposed upon you. 让自己免于担心别人对你的看法或评价。让自己从怀疑强加给你的限制中解脱出来。

Choose to escape from the misguided assumption that focused effort is something to be avoided. Discard a few of the comfortable yet negative habits that waste so much precious time. 选择逃避一种错误的假设,即集中精力是要避免的。摒弃一些浪费大量宝贵时间的舒适但消极的习惯。

There are plenty of great things you can do right here and now. Allow yourself freedom to experience the joy of creating new goodness as you live each moment. 此时此地,您可以做很多很棒的事情。让自己自由地体验创造新善良的喜悦,因为你的每一刻都在生活。

Consider all the positive possibilities open to you today. Free yourself to explore and fulfill the best of them. 想想今天向你开放的所有积极的可能性。让自己自由地探索和实现其中的精华。

Let go of the need to be troubled by troubles. Accept what is, then allow and encourage yourself to make the very best of it. 放下被烦恼困扰的需要。接受现状,然后允许并鼓励自己充分利用它。

Now is when you can free yourself from whatever may have held you back before. Here is your day to live richly, with all the spirit and energy you can muster. 现在是你可以把自己从以前可能阻碍你的任何事情中解脱出来的时候。这是你丰富生活的一天,用你能聚集的所有精神和能量。


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