Energy of richness

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/17       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共771字       Views:131

Stop fretting about getting it done. Just get it done. 不要再为完成它而烦恼了。只要完成它。

Don’t complain about what has gone wrong. Just take all the necessary steps to make things right. 不要抱怨出了什么问题。只需采取所有必要的步骤来使事情正确。

Let go of the worry and the drama. Allow the focus, the discipline, the effort, persistence, and effectiveness. 放下烦恼和戏剧。允许专注、纪律、努力、坚持和有效。

From moment to moment, it’s your decision where to direct your energy. Put that energy where it will bring new richness to your world. 每时每刻,你都会决定将精力引导到哪里。把这种能量放在它将为你的世界带来新的丰富性的地方。

Live on your own terms and make those terms positive and purposeful. See yourself not as struggling against what has been but as fulfilling the best of what can be. 按照自己的方式生活,并使这些条件变得积极和有目的。不要把自己看作是与过去的事情作斗争,而是要尽可能地实现最好的事情。

Live on the highest level you can envision. And cheerfully encourage everyone else to come along. 生活在你能想象到的最高水平上。并愉快地鼓励其他人一起来。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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