Responsibility is essential

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/17       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1060字       Views:137

Responsibility enriches life. Accept responsibility, and insist on it from others. 责任丰富了生活。承担责任,并坚持他人的责任。

The constraints imposed by responsibility can indeed be burdensome. But responsibility is not a form of oppression or punishment. 责任所施加的制约确实是沉重的负担。但责任不是一种压迫或惩罚。

Responsibility is an acknowledgement, acceptance, and embrace of the reality that every choice has consequences. Responsibility is essential to true empowerment. 责任是一种承认、接受和拥抱现实,即每个选择都会产生后果。责任对于真正的赋权至关重要。

It is not an act of compassion or kindness to give anyone a way to avoid responsibility. The compassionate thing is to assist and encourage others as they participate in the fulfillment of their responsibilities. 给任何人逃避责任的方法不是一种同情或善意的行为。富有同情心的事情是在他人参与履行职责时帮助他们和鼓励他们。

You do not benefit your own life by avoiding or escaping responsibility. For in every responsibility is the opportunity to grow stronger, more experienced, more effective and purposeful. 你不会因为逃避或逃避责任而有益于自己的生活。因为在每一项责任中,都有机会变得更强大、更有经验、更有效和更有目的。

See responsibility for the good and essential part of life that it is. Be eager to take on meaningful responsibilities, and diligent in following through on them. 看到对生活中美好和本质部分的责任。渴望承担有意义的责任,并勤奋地履行这些责任。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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