Create goodness

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/17       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1072字       Views:128

You can’t solve all the problems of the world. What you can do is create goodness right where you are. 你无法解决世界上所有的问题。你能做的就是在你所在的地方创造善良。

Create goodness in the way you live, with the people you encounter. Create goodness with the problems you solve, with your kindness, with your positive presence. 在你的生活方式中,与你遇到的人一起创造善良。用你解决的问题,用你的善良,用你的积极存在创造善良。

As entertaining as it might be to fantasize about, the world doesn’t really need a dramatic superhero. Life always has, and will continue to benefit from good people living good lives of purpose and integrity. 尽管幻想可能很有趣,但这个世界并不需要一个戏剧性的超级英雄。生活总是,并将继续受益于好人过着有目标和正直的美好生活。

A small kindness has the capacity to reverberate endlessly through life. And there’s always some small kindness you can offer. 一个小小的善意有能力在生活中无休止地回荡。你总能提供一些小小的善意。

Beyond that, you can have the audacity to be happy every now and then, to enjoy life, to share the joy. You can delight in the beauty, wonder, mystery, and challenge of the universe in which you exist. 除此之外,你可以大胆地时不时地快乐,享受生活,分享快乐。你可以享受你所处的宇宙的美丽、奇迹、神秘和挑战。

Life’s enduring goodness is made in the countless ordinary moments, not in some grandiose scheme. Make some more of that goodness right now. 生命的持久美好是在无数平凡的时刻中创造的,而不是在某种宏伟的计划中。现在就多做一些好事。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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